5 E-Z Steps to Adopt a Highway in Kane County
Volunteers are part of the life blood of any community, and Kane County is blessed with hundreds of volunteers, from the Kane County Forest Preserve District to the Office of Emergency Management to the Adopt-A-Highway program with the county’s Division of Transportation.
The Kane County Board passed a resolution on June 10 acknowledging the groups of people who facilitate the county’s litter collection efforts on county highways and “will aid in the beautification of all county highways whether in urban or rural areas of the county.”
Program coordinator Glenda Starcevich said the numbers of volunteers and groups change frequently, but as of 2011, that included 89 groups, 1,095 total members and covers 197.5 miles of road, according to the KDOT website.
Family, Scout troops, volunteer organizations, clubs, businesses — you name it — all have found the program to be meaningful volunteer work.
“We are so thankful for these volunteers who donate their time and effort to maintain these county highways,” Kane County Director of Transportation Carl Schoedel said. “This is also a win-win for both taxpayers and motorists who benefit from a safer, cleaner roadside without any additional maintenance cost.”
5 Steps to Adopt a Highway
Choose a route that is not highlighted in Blue or Green. County Highways not adopted are in RED
*2. Adopt-a-Highway Member Listing
Check the lists, sorted by road name, alphabetical order, showing the route in use.
You can also see what activity has been logged in for members. If you see your group has not done the required clean up dates per your agreement, please contact us before expiration of permit.
A must read …
*4. Adopt-a-Highway Application – All 4 Lane Highways must be 1 side route choice. Use the email button provided to send the application to Glenda Starcevich
Application submittal: A. Send by email, B. Print and fax or C. Copy/paste to a Word Document and send to starcevichglenda@co.kane.il.us
Any problems getting your application to us please call 630-584-1171
*5. Watch the safety video on this page
Your application will be reviewed by the Transportation Department and if route changes are required we will contact you.
The application is then submitted to the Transportation Committee for approval.
After your group is approved:
You will have to come to Building A at our complex on Burlington Road (see map) and we will supply you with safety vests, bags, and ID cards for your dash.
We do the trash bag pick up after you notify us via email, phone call or post card.
Your group will have a sign erected on your route showing the group name or dedication (no web addresses) for as long as you stay current with the program.
We look forward to your supporting our program and helping us keep Kane County clean and beautiful.
Groups must provide one adult supervisor over the age of 21 for every five youths under the age of 18 present on your adopted section of County Highway.
No one under the age of 10 may participate in litter pickups.
Litter collections can only be done between one hour after sunrise and one hour before sunset, in fair weather and non-rush hour traffic times. Groups are not to attempt to pick up any large, heavy or potential hazardous items
Read More
- Kane County Chronicle: Adopt-A-Highway volunteers rid county roads of garbage
WHEREAS, the Illinois Highway Code of the Illinois Compiled Statutes (605 ILCS 120/1 et seq.)
provides for the establishment of Adopt a Highway Programs by Counties and various units of government
throughout the State of Illinois to support anti-litter efforts by allowing groups of private citizens to adopt a
segment of highway for the purpose of litter and refuse collection; andWHEREAS, the County has enacted and otherwise established pursuant to Kane County Board
Ordinance No. 13-267, the Kane County Adopt-A-Highway Program in conformance with the Illinois
Highway Code, which program is intended to assist the County in its efforts to remove refuse and litter from
County highway right of way and otherwise beautify the County Highway System; andWHEREAS, those groups whose names are set forth in the exhibit attached hereto (a copy of which
is on file in the office of the Kane County Clerk) have submitted applications for participation in the Kane
County Adopt-A-Highway Program; andWHEREAS, each of the groups’ applications have been reviewed and approved by the County
Engineer of Kane County and have subsequently been approved by the Transportation Committee of the
Kane County Board; andWHEREAS, the approval of the applicants for participation in the Kane County Adopt-A-Highway
Program will facilitate the County’s litter collection efforts on County highways and will aid in the
beautification of all County highways whether in urban or rural areas of the County.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of Kane County that each applicant
for participation in the Kane County Adopt-A-Highway Program that is set forth on the exhibit attached to this
Resolution is hereby approved.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Engineer of Kane County is hereby directed to notify
all new applicant(s) of the approval of their application and to execute, on behalf of the County of Kane, the
Kane County Adopt-A-Highway Program Agreement with said new applicant(s).
Passed by the Kane County Board on June 10, 2014.