2015 Kane County Summit Aims at Connecting State, Local Leaders
Kane County government, community and business leaders will connect with a powerful lineup of state and national speakers May 8 at the 2015 Kane County Leadership Summit.
Three statewide department heads — Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Director J.M. “Jim” Schultz, Illinois Department of Transportation Acting Secretary Randy Blankenhorn and Illinois Department of Public Health Outreach Manager Juana Ballesteros — will join featured speaker Christopher Coes of SmartGrowth America in a one-day program aimed at establishing relationships and finding ways local, state and national leaders can work together to serve the 530,000 residents of Kane County.
Kane County Board Chairman Chris Lauzen extended personal invitations to Kane County elected officials via email Monday.
“You and I appreciate how difficult it is to make fundamental change in government, and I think we all agree that the best way to serve our mutual constituents is to work together to face challenges head on, to find ground where we can agree and ways we can partner to accomplish goals,” he said.
“It is with that sentiment that I invite you to attend a program on May 8 that is in some ways a continuation of a longstanding planning workshop series and at the same time the first of its kind: a 2015 Kane County Leaders Conference designed to bring together state and local policymakers and public-sector stakeholders on the topics of transportation, health and community development.”
Attendees will include elected officials, planners, health officials, involved citizen-leaders, economic development groups, developers, bankers, real estate developers and major business leaders, property owners and employers.
The summit will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, May 8, at the Q Center in St. Charles, a world-class training center and campus originally developed by Arthur Anderson / Anderson Consulting.
The summit will be paid for by a modest registration fee, Grand Victoria Casino Elgin Riverboat funds previously approved for this purpose and a grant from the American Planning Association in partnership with the American Public Health Association.
Kane County leaders can register online at this Eventbrite page. Space is limited, and registrants have until April 24 to qualify for an early registration discount. For more information, contact Kane County Development Director Mark VanKerkhoff at (630) 232-3451 or vankerkhoffmark@co.kane.il.us.
“As Kane County Board chairman, and as a former, 20-year Illinois state senator, I am grateful to serve in any capacity that will help build bridges between state government and the communities we serve,” Lauzen said. “There are important first steps we can take together to establish communication, build relationships, demystify processes and discover best practices.”
State Speakers / Panelists
Featured Speaker
Christopher A. Coes is a leader of SmartGrowth America and director of LOCUS, a network of real estate developers and investors who advocate for sustainable, walkable development. He works with real estate developers and investors across the country to advance LOCUS’ public policy agenda and business opportunities. Prior to joining LOCUS, Coes served as a consultant for government affairs and campaigns at M+R Strategic Services. As a consultant, Coes worked with various clients including Transportation for America — a broad, diverse and unprecedented coalition advocating for a national vision for a 21st century transportation system. For nearly three years, Coes served as Transportation for America’s senior campaign advisor and deputy director, where he was responsible for the day-to-day operations and advising the campaign on its legislative and political strategies. In addition to his work on transportation issues, Coes brings more than five years of experience in government relations, political advocacy and electoral campaigns.