Aurora Township Assessments Publish July 21 in The Beacon-News

Aurora Township Assessments Publish July 21 in The Beacon-News

Kane County Assessments

Hey, Aurora Township residents! (Yes, that means you, whether you live in the city of Aurora or unincorporated areas of Aurora Township.) Your property assessments are ready for publication, which means (a) you can find out the assessed value of your home, and (b) you have about a month to formally complain if you don’t agree with that assessed value.

Assessment changes for Aurora Township are being published Tuesday, July 21, 2015, in The Aurora Beacon-News. As of that date, you can also view an online PDF version on the Supervisor of Assessments website.

That publication also starts the clock ticking for the time period you can challenge that assessment. Pursuant to state law, the deadline to file 2015 assessment complaints for the properties within Aurora Township is Aug. 20, 2015.  No complaint for property in this township can be accepted after that date.

After all revisions and corrections by the township assessor are applied, an equalization factor  is calculated. Each non-farm property in Aurora Township was equalized with a factor of 1.0881.

To obtain assessment information about a property in Aurora Township, visit the Aurora Township assessor’s website. You can find links to all Kane County township assessors’ sites in this excellent directory on the Kane County Supervisor of Assessments website.

To obtain complaint forms and a copy of the Rules and Procedures of the Kane County Board of Review, visit this page on the Kane County website or call 630-208-3818.

Just to underline what was mentioned above, the deadline to file 2015 assessment complaints for the properties within Aurora Township is Aug. 20, 2015.

2015 Filing Deadlines So Far in Kane County

By state law, the last day that an assessment complaint may be filed is the close of business on the 30th day after publication in a local newspaper. The only exception is if the County Assessment Office is not open on the 30th day; in that instance, the deadline is automatically extended to the close of business on the next day the office is open.

Final filing deadlines have already been set for the following townships:

  • Hampshire: Filing deadline has passed.
  • Big Rock: Filing deadline has passed.
  • Batavia: July 27
  • Dundee: Aug. 7
  • Campton: Aug. 10
  • St. Charles: Aug. 17
  • Aurora: Aug. 20

Assessment changes for Rutland, Burlington, Plato, Elgin, Virgil, Kaneville, Blackberry, Geneva and Sugar Grove townships have not yet been published as of July 20. Stay tuned for updates.