Rabies Detected in 2 Bats in Aurora

Rabies Detected in 2 Bats in Aurora

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The city of Aurora is reminding all residents to protect themselves and their pets after two bats were recently found to have rabies.

One was found on Garfield Avenue on the city’s West Side, by a resident who turned it in for testing. Another was found on the city’s East Side on Claim Street. Aurora Animal Control and Care is continuing an investigation to ensure that no humans were exposed.

Rabies is a rare but critically dangerous disease spread through animal bites. Animals most likely to spread rabies include bats, coyotes, foxes, skunks and raccoons, but domestic dogs and cats are also susceptible. Free-roaming pets that have not been vaccinated are most at risk for contracting rabies.

Symptoms of rabies in both humans and animals include fever, headache, excess salivation, muscle spasms, paralysis, and mental confusion. Seek immediate medical attention after a bite or a suspected bite.

City ordinance requires that all dogs and cats four months and older be vaccinated against rabies and registered with the City. Vaccinations are available from veterinarians. Low-cost vaccinations are also available to Aurora residents on a monthly basis at the Aurora Animal Control and Care, 600 S. River St.

For more information, contact Aurora Animal Control and Care at 630-256-3630, or email MyAurora@aurora-il.org.

SOURCE: Aurora Animal Control