Kane County Getting Closer to Final Spring Freeze — But Don't Plant Just Yet

Kane County Getting Closer to Final Spring Freeze — But Don’t Plant Just Yet

Last spring freeze dates

Despite the snow and sleet you’re seeing today (Friday, April 8, 2016), the National Weather Service Chicago says Kane County is getting closer and closer to the final spring freeze of 2016.

The NWS-C says April 30 is the average last day for a freeze in beautiful Aurora, IL.

“Many areas are quickly approaching the normal date of their final spring season freeze, meaning the growing season is beginning,” the government weather service says. “In spite of this, if you are a home gardener, keep in mind that freezing temperatures have occurred into the first half of May across portions of northern Illinois and northwestern Indiana in the past.”

That said, if you are planting sensitive vegetation, the threat for a killing freeze has certainly not ended.  The probabilities of freezing temperatures drop significantly over the area (below 20-25 percent) after the first week of May.

Temperatures are forecast to be well below average through the weekend.

SOURCE: National Weather Service Chicago