County OKs 25 Adopt-A-Highway Applicants

County OKs 25 Adopt-A-Highway Applicants

The next time you’re out and about in Kane County, take a minute to thank all the volunteers who make the roadways a more pleasant place to drive.

Adopt a Highway logoOn Tuesday, the county approved 25 Adopt-a-Highway Program applicants who will adopt a segment of highway for the purpose of keeping it clean of litter and refuse.

“We are so thankful for these volunteers who donate their time and effort to maintain these county highways,” Kane County Director of Transportation Carl Schoedel said. “This is a win-win for both taxpayers and motorists who benefit from a safer, cleaner roadside without any additional maintenance cost.”

Adopt a Highway 3The Illinois Highway Code of the Illinois Compiled Statutes provides for the establishment of Adopt a Highway Programs by counties and various units of government throughout the state of Illinois to support anti-litter efforts. Applications for the Kane County program are reviewed by the Transportation Department and the Transportation Committee for approval.

The county provides applicants with safety vests, bags and ID cards. The applicants pick up trash along the highway, and the county does the trash bag pick up after being notified via email, phone call or post card.

Each group has a sign erected on its route showing the group name or dedication for as long as the group stays current with the program.

For more information, visit this page on the Kane County Division of Transportation website.

Applicants approved on Tuesday include the following:

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