Kane County Suspends Free Electronics Recycling After 'Overwhelming' May Event

Kane County Suspends Free Electronics Recycling After ‘Overwhelming’ May Event

  • Editor’s Note: This is the first of a two-part series on electronics recycling in Kane County. Part 2 will run on the KaneCountyConnects.com blog tomorrow, Wednesday, June 1, 2016.

Kane County announced last week that it will suspend its free electronics recycling program due to the tsunami of TVs and “overwhelming and unmanageable” attendance at the May county-collection event.

Recycling Event Traffic BKane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland said the county is exploring solutions, but the run on the bank that happened at the May 14 recycling event at the branch court at 540 S. Randall in St. Charles was a clear indicator that the free drop-off could not continue.

“Because there were no other free options, it created a funnel that flooded our events,” she said. “We’ve gone from serving hundreds to struggling to serve thousands, and it is not working in its present form.”

Over the past four years, local municipalities’ drop-off locations were able to absorb much of the mounting volume of electronics. But during the past few months, the communities of Geneva, Batavia, St. Charles and West Dundee stopped taking electronics at public works department drop-offs, which left Kane County’s monthly recycling event as the last remaining option to recycle TVs free of charge.

Jarland said the long-term solution lies in spreading the load.

“It is apparent that a network of convenient weekday drop-off locations is key to rebuilding a sustainable electronics recycling program,” she said. “Once there are several drop-offs reopened, and we can assure the manageability of the collection event model, the event will start up again. Kane County will be focusing on promoting this opportunity to municipalities and townships throughout the county over the next month.”

Next Recycling Event

Kane County’s next recycling event is its annual “Recycling Extravaganza” from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, June 11, at the branch court office at 540 S. Randall in St. Charles.

“The June extravaganza is still on — but NO ELECTRONICS accepted!” Jarland said, with the all-caps, underline and boldface added to emphasize the “no electronics.”

You can check out the event map here.

Screen Shot 2016-06-01 at 9.19.40 AM

The following items will be accepted for free at the event:

  • Bikes: Bikes, bike parts, helmets, bike baskets, sewing machines
  • Books:Books can be of any age, in any condition, either paperback or hard cover. They are assessed for reuse and redistributed if possible. Otherwise they are sent for recycling, having the bindings cut off and all paper recycled.
  • Document Shredding: Free confidential document shredding will be offered – we have shred trucks on site. This program is a residential program only. Please see the Document Shredding page for more information.
  • Fluorescent Tubes (4-foot tubes only): from residential sources only; please no CFLs (most hardware stores will take them).
  • Mobility Devices: wheel chairs, crutches, walkers
  • Packing material:styrofoam (block foam and food service plates, cups, etc), bubble wrap, packing peanuts (must be clean and well contained in sealed bags please), and latex paint (paint has a fee).

Liquid Latex Paint will be accepted for a fee at the event:

  • Latex Paint Recycling: No oil paint. FEES APPLY:There is a cost for recycling paint, payable by the resident, cash or check only. Please see the Paint page for more information.

NO ELECTRONICS will be accepted.

Please keep an eye on Kane County Connects and the Kane County Recycles website for updates at www.countyofkane.org/recycling.

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About Kane County Recycles

Recycles Recycling Logo SMThe Kane County Recycles office manages recycling programs for electronics, books, hazardous materials, and other hard-to-recycle materials, and promotes best practices for household recycling, commercial business recycling, and composting. This office oversees recycling-related information and community outreach initiatives, oversees the annual licensing of Waste and Recycling Haulers, provides backyard compost bins, and implements the Kane County Solid Waste Plan. The office oversees the Recycling and Hauler Licensing Ordinance which requires commercial businesses and multi-family residences to recycle, and provides the provisions for hauler licensing and reporting.

For all you ever needed to know about recycling in Kane County see the Kane County Recycles webpage and also sign up here to receive an electronic copy of the new Green Guide each spring.