3.4 Tons of Awesome Pumpkins Recycled — And You Can Compost Through November!
Kane County’s first-ever pumpkin recycling event was a smashing success.
Last Saturday (Nov. 5, 2016), Kane County partnered with Pushing the Envelope Farm in Geneva to recycle pumpkins instead of sending them to the landfill, and Kane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland was thrilled with the results.
“It was a great event, a beautiful day and a great service for residents who want to dispose of large-quantity holiday-related waste in a responsible way!” she said.
The Farm
Pushing the Envelope Farm is a community farm and education center that provides hands-on educational experiences. Farmers will use the more than 500 pumpkins that were dropped-off at the event to feed chickens, fire up their compost piles and nourish the soil, returning nutrients to the gardens in which they will grow organic vegetables next season.
The farm also grows food for the Northern Illinois Food Bank and the Ark of Chicago.
By the Numbers
75 — The number of cars that dropped off pumpkins at the Saturday event. Plus four cartloads from the Northern Illinois Food Bank.
510 — The number of pumpkins and squash collected.
6,750 — Pounds of pumpkins and squash. That equals 3.4 tons!
175 to 200 — The estimated weight of the largest pumpkin recycled.
50 — Pounds of Awesomeness! There wasn’t any formal competition, but Best Pumpkin received showcased the Cubbies!
33 — The most pumpkins delivered by one car. Brought in by Richard Wadda, who works for the city of St. Charles.
Richard Wadda:
“Once again, thank you so much for having an outlet to recycle pumpkins. I love having pumpkins on Halloween, and the more I have, the better. To be able to go to a local farm for them to use as compost was wonderful. Hopefully, this program will be held again next year, because I’m planning on having the same amount of pumpkins or more again.”
Jennifer Jarland, who is also a founding board member of the Illinois Food Scrap Coalition:
“IFSC is excited to see that there were over 30 pumpkin recycling events in the region this year!”
More Opportunities to Recycle Your Pumpkins
The Pushing the Envelope Farm will continue to accept pumpkins for recycling for the rest of November! Deliver to 33W699 Averill Road, Geneva, IL 60134, a gray house on the south side of the street, just off of Kirk Road. Look for the drop-off sign and place your pumpkins in the wheelbarrow, thank you!
Related Stories
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- OK, Time to Get Rid of Those Rotting Halloween Pumpkins! (Here’s How)
Please visit the Kane County Recycles webpage frequently to find the most current updates on the program.
Got questions? Contact Kane County Recycling Coordinator Jennifer Jarland at 630-208-3841 or recycle@countyofkane.org