2016 Top Stories Countdown — No. 10: Middle School Student Threatens Shooting

2016 Top Stories Countdown — No. 10: Middle School Student Threatens Shooting

  • Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series counting down the top 10 Kane County Connects stories of 2016.

A Brief Intro to 2016 Connects Countdown

Kane County Connects’ top stories of 2016 are full of pathos, power and promise.

They are your stories, they are our stories.

From a local connection to the Cubs’ miraculous World Series win to a seventh-grader’s anti-bullying video to a mysterious steam-powered passenger train, each story reflects an aspect of our lives during a year we will always remember. In the pages and pixels of Kane County Connects, we grieved together, we celebrated together, we learned together.

The operative word in all we do is “connects.”

Since we started this crazy experiment, there have been more than 1.5 million visits to KaneCountyConnects.com. More than 10,000 of us subscribe to either the daily or weekly e-newsletter. Thousands of others follow Kane County Connects on social media.

Thank you for tuning in during the past year. We can’t wait to serve you in 2017.

Rick Nagel
Kane County Connects Editor

Dec. 22, 2016

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No. 10: Burlington Central Middle School Student Threatened Shooting

Public safety has been and will continue to be one of the top priorities of Kane County government and Kane County Connects. Between the good works of the 16th Judicial Circuit Court, the Circuit Court Clerk’s Office, the Kane County Sheriff’s Office, the State’s Attorney’s Office and the Public Defender’s Office, a big part of your county tax dollar goes to essential public-safety services.

The No. 10 story of 2016 was an April news release from the Kane County Sheriff’s Office reporting that a 14-year-old male student at Burlington Central Middle School was charged with disorderly conduct after making a threat to commit a shooting at the school.

School safety and school shootings are among the topics we care about most. Because of its timeliness and serious subject matter, this article tallied 5,121 page views.




Kane County Connects welcomes news releases from established, reliable sources, including local units of government, clubs and organizations and non-profits that have news or information to share with a countywide audience. For any post, we need three elements at minimum: copy-worthy text, a link to the source website and an image. (Best image is horizontal, at least 800 pixels wide.) For more information or to submit a press release, email kanecountyconnects@gmail.com.