POW! Spend The New Year With Nebula And Gamora!

POW! Spend The New Year With Nebula And Gamora!

“A kitten is, in the animal world, what a rosebud is in the garden.”
Robert Southey, English poet (1774 – 1843)

  • KCAC’s Adorable, Adoptable Pet of the Week is written by Tecla Metzel of Kane County Animal Control. Additional photos by Lorena Page Photography.

The holidays are all about spending time with friends and family, sharing good food and keeping the warm feelings that go along with it alive throughout the year ahead.

And what better way to remember the good feelings of the season than to bring home a sweet cat that probably has her picture in the dictionary next to the word “cute.”


Nebula is 4-year-old orange, brown and black domestic shorthair. She and her sister Gamora, an orange and brown domestic shorthair that is also 4 years old, were found as strays wandering the streets of Elgin.

Nebula has the look of wonder in her eyes, as though she just saw Santa for the first time. She enjoys playing with toys if enticed and breaking all the rules of curiosity. Yet, she’s perfectly happy to spend her time stretched out next to her litter box while she lazily pokes at her jingle ball.


Gamora, on the other hand, is the first to greet anyone who comes to visit with an extended invitation for a head rub and a pet, pleading all the while for more. She’s extremely social, without a hint of insecurity. She has one of those personalities that fills an entire room while making people want to watch her every move.

These two ladies would definitely make the New Year shinny and bright!

KCAC Pupdate


Congratulations to Cane, a 6-month-old brindle pit bull puppy that smiles at the world and believes that it’s a happy place where he can get lots of petting and massages. He found the perfect family that will give him the love, training and all the hugs and strokes he can handle. Keep up the good vibes, Cane!

How to Adopt

All Kane County Animal Control adoptable cats and dogs are spayed/neutered, microchipped and up-to-date on all vaccines, including rabies. They are tested for feline leukemia/FIV and heartworm.

The adoption fee is $200 for dogs and $100 for cats. Adoption of two dogs is $300, and adoption of two cats is $150. The adoption fee for cockatiels is $25.

For more information regarding Kane County Animal Control’s adoptable animals and for an adoption application, please visit www.kanecountypets.org.

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About Kane County Animal Control

It is the duty of the Animal Control Department to:

  • Kane County Animal Control Logo KCAC Screen Shot 2015-11-30 at 11.39.45 AMEnsure that all domesticated dogs and cats over 4 months of age are vaccinated against rabies and have a Kane County rabies tag.
  • Ensure that all reported animal bites are given precautionary attention in relation to the possibility rabies infection.
  • Ensure that pet owners are instructed on proper procedures pertaining to animal bites and enforce adherence to these procedures.
  • Contain loose\stray dogs in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.
  • Investigate nuisance dog complaints in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.