Road Trip Or Shopping Thanksgiving Weekend? 5 Tips For Efficient Driving

Road Trip Or Shopping Thanksgiving Weekend? 5 Tips For Efficient Driving

Whether taking a road trip or hitting the Black Friday sales, we have put together tips for efficient driving to save fuel, improve air quality, and reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

  1. Change speeds gently. Whether accelerating or braking, it is better for your car’s components. Driving at a moderate speed and using cruise control when possible further increases efficiency.
  2. Remove excess weight. Avoid keeping unnecessary items in your vehicle, especially heavy ones.
  3. Keep tires properly inflated. Under-inflated tires are dangerous, wear quicker, and decrease engine efficiency.
  4. Plan and combine errands and outings. Avoid traveling during the most congested times of day. Start-stop driving is among the most energy intensive mean of car travel. Combining errands saves a trip!
  5. Minimize idling. No matter what kind of car you drive, idling wastes energy. For gasoline-powered cars, idling can use up to half a gallon of fuel per hour, much more than restarting your car. In addition, modern cars do no need to be “warmed up” before driving — even in cold weather.

A win for you, a win for the environment!

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