UPDATE: 9 Referendums on April 2 Ballots in Kane County

UPDATE: 9 Referendums on April 2 Ballots in Kane County

Nine referendums will be on ballots in Kane County for the hyper-local April 2 consolidated election.

They include questions of whether the Aurora West Branch Library at Washington Middle School should remain at the current location, whether officials should combine fire districts in the Dundee area, and whether voters should OK a Fox River and Countryside Fire District extension limit increase.

Huntley Library District will request $12.9 million to build an addition and remodel the library, the village of Campton Hills will ask voters their opinions on a video-gaming referendum, and  both Elburn and South Elgin each will put forward questions on a retailers and service occupation tax.

There is a $185 million school construction referendum for Barrington School District 220 and a request to increase the limiting rate for Oswego School District 308.

A few of the referendums only touch small portions of Kane County. The 72-square-mile School District 220, for example, is geographically located in four counties: Cook, Lake, McHenry and Kane. Oswego School District includes portions of Kendall, Kane and Will counties.

You can see referendum information on this page of the Kane County Clerk’s Office election website.

Here is some of the information you’ll find there, including the wording that voters will see on the ballot:

Huntley Library


Shall bonds of the Huntley Area Public Library District, Kane and McHenry Counties, Illinois in the amount of $12,900,000, be issued for the purpose of remodeling the existing library building and building an addition thereto, and furnishing necessary equipment and acquiring library materials and electronic data storage and retrieval facilities in connection therewith?

Rutland-Dundee Townships Fire Protection District

Shall the Rutland-Dundee Townships Fire Protection District proceed with efforts to effect the consolidation of fire and emergency medical services with the Village of West Dundee, and/or the Village of West Dundee, and/or the East Dundee and Countryside Fire Protection District, and/or the Village of Carpentersville to maximize efficiency and reduce expenses?

Fox River & Countryside Fire District

Shall the extension limitation under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law for the Fox River & Countryside Fire/Rescue District, Kane and DuPage Counties, Illinois, be increased from the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index over the prior levy year to  63% per year for the 2019 levy year?

Village Of Campton Hills

Shall gambling in the form of video gaming be allowed, as provided under the Video Gaming Act, 230 ILCS 40/1, in the Village of Campton Hills?

Village Of Elburn


Shall the corporate authorities of the Village of Elburn, Kane County, Illinois, be authorized to impose a Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers’ Occupation Tax and Non-Home Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax (commonly referred to as a “municipal sales tax”) at the rate of not more than 1% for expenditures on municipal operations, expenditures on public infrastructure and for property tax relief in accordance with and subject to the provisions of Sections 8-11-1.3 and 8-11-1.4 of the Illinois Municipal Code?

Village of South Elgin

Non-Home-Rule Retailers Occupation Tax

Shall the Village of South Elgin, Kane County, Illinois, be authorized to levy a Non-Home Rule Municipal Retailers’ Occupation Tax (65 ILCS 5/8-11-1.3) in the amount of one percent (1.0%) and a Non-Home Rule Municipal Service Occupation Tax (65 ILCS 5/8-11-1.4) in the amount of one percent (1.0%), for the purpose of funding expenditures on public infrastructure?

Aurora School District 129

Shall the Aurora West Branch Library, located at Washington Middle School, remain at the current location?

Oswego School District 308

Shall the limiting rate under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law for Oswego Community Unit School District Number 308, Kendall, Kane and Will Counties, Illinois, be increased by an additional amount equal to .30% above the limiting rate for school purposes for levy year 2017 and be equal to 5.48348% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein for levy year 2019?

Community School District 220

Building Bond Resolution


Shall the Board of Education of Barrington Community Unit School District Number 220, Lake, Cook, Kane and McHenry Counties, Illinois, build and equip additions to and alter, repair and equip existing buildings, including but not limited to renovating instructional spaces, restrooms and food service areas, installing school safety and security improvements, replacing roofs and mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems and constructing additions to eliminate mobile classrooms, improve school sites and issue bonds of said School District to the amount of $185,000,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?

SOURCE: Kane County Clerk’s Office website