Which Townships Have The Highest, Lowest Tax Bills This Year?

Which Townships Have The Highest, Lowest Tax Bills This Year?

  • Editor’s Note: This is the third in a series of articles on Kane County Connects regarding the 2018 property tax bill payable in 2019. Tax bills are available right now on the Kane County Treasurer’s Office website and will be sent out to Kane County residents by May 1, 2019. Subsequent articles will look at the top 10 Kane County taxpayers, plus an estimate of the average property tax bill by township.

For the second year in a row, Sugar Grove Township has the highest average tax bill for a home valued at $250,000, according to statistics released last week by the Kane County Treasurer’s Office.

A Sugar Grove Township resident with a $250,000 home will pony up, on average, $8,020 in 2018 property taxes payable in 2019. The good news for folks in Sugar Grove Township is that’s a drop from last year, when the average was $8,237.

Kane County property tax bills will be in the mail by May 1 and are available online now. The first installment is due June 3.

The lowest average tax bill his year is in Rutland Township, where folks will pay $6,703 on average for a home valued at $250,000.

It’s important to note that each resident’s actual tax bill may vary significantly from the averages. Obviously, the value of your home plays a big role in the amount of your tax bill.

More good news is that most Kane County township averages were lower year over year. To compare, your township’s average tax bill this year to last year, check out this article published April 27, 2018.

Why Do Average Bills Differ By Township?

Obviously, there’s a pretty big difference — $1,317, in fact — between the average property tax bill paid in Sugar Grove Township and Rutland Township.

Why is that?

Mostly it has to do with which taxing districts fall within each township. Since school districts take the biggest chunk of property tax revenues — an average of about 68.6 percent — that’s the unit of government that’s going to have the most impact on bringing your property-tax bill up or down.

Township Ranking

From highest to lowest — average tax bill for $250,000 home

  1. Sugar Grove Township — $8,020
  2. Elgin Township — $7,953
  3. Plato Township — $7,896
  4. Dundee Township — $7,754
  5. Burlington Township — $7,732
  6. Aurora Township — $7,690
  7. Blackberry Township — $7,684
  8. Kaneville Township — $7,680
  9. Virgil Township — $7,666
  10. Batavia Township — $7,421
  11. Geneva Township — $7,051
  12. Hampshire Township — $7,002
  13. Big Rock Township — $6,994
  14. St. Charles Township — $6,755
  15. Campton Township — $6,729
  16. Rutland Township — $6,703

Estimate of Average Property Tax Bill By Township

Arranged in alphabetical order and by home value. (See chart below.)

This chart is provided to give homebuyers an estimate of what a tax bill amount might be in different geographic locations within the county (based on 2018, payable 2019, data with homestead exemption).

Please note actual tax bill may vary significantly from estimates given here.

For specific information on tax rates, contact the County Clerk’s Tax Extension Office at 630-232-5964. For specific information on exemptions, contact the Supervisor of Assessments Office at 630-208-3818.

Read The Series

Treasurer’s Office Will Collect $1.3B in Property Taxes — ‘Average Tax Bill’ Up 1.29%

For More Information

  • For questions about exemptions or appeals, call the Kane County Supervisor of Assessments Office at 630-208-3818 or visit KaneCountyAssessments.org.
  • For questions about how tax rates are developed, call the Kane County Clerk’s Office at 630-232-5964 or visit KaneCountyClerk.org.
  • For questions about tax bills or payments, call the Kane County Treasurer’s Office at 630-232-3565 or visit KaneCountyTreasurer.org.

SOURCE: Kane County Treasurer’s Office news release and website