POW! On Christmas Eve, Beautiful Rosa Waits Patiently For Her Forever Family

POW! On Christmas Eve, Beautiful Rosa Waits Patiently For Her Forever Family

“I have found it is surprisingly difficult to remain sad when a cat is doing its level best to sandpaper one’s cheeks.”
R. L. LaFevers, Author, Theodosia and the Last Pharaoh

  • KCAC’s Adorable, Adoptable Pet of the Week is written by Tecla Metzel of Kane County Animal Control. Additional photos by Lorena Page Photography.

The strays are the ones that tug at your heartstrings. They start life way behind the start line and are expected to catch up to the pack by the time they make it to a shelter, if they make it to a shelter.


Trusting those who take care for them could take a while. Our shelter staff know that patience is indeed a virtue. Go slow, wait it out and eventually, the cat or dog will make the first move toward getting to know the hand that feeds them.

It’s often the younger ones that break the fear barrier first by throwing caution to the wind and taking that first leap of faith to get some well-deserved attention and loving from whomever might be handing it out. Patience gives way to hugs, kisses, and all the treats they can handle. They bond with that person who has befriended them, ready to meet the world and get a forever home.

For Rosa, a 6-month-old brown tiger Domestic Shorthair, her shy nature is endearing. Super sweet, she is young enough to find living in a proper home the most incredible thing that’s ever happened to her. Give her enough cat scratch trees and posts, toys and a warm lap to pounce on and she will break out of herself into a wonderful, loving cat.

She’s great around other cats as she watches what they do from afar and then attempts to mirror the same behavior. Her beautiful green eyes give away the telltale signs of her remembering what life was like on the streets.

She’s warm and comfortable today, but her life will become complete when her forever family finally arrives.

How to Adopt

All Kane County Animal Control adoptable cats and dogs are spayed/neutered, microchipped and up-to-date on all vaccines, including rabies. They are tested for feline leukemia/FIV and heartworm.

The adoption fee is $200 for dogs and $100 for cats. Adoption of two dogs is $300, and adoption of two cats is $150. The adoption fee for cockatiels is $25.

For more information regarding Kane County Animal Control’s adoptable animals and for an adoption application, please visit www.kanecountypets.org.

Lost Pet?

About Kane County Animal Control

It is the duty of the Animal Control Department to:

  • Ensure that all domesticated dogs and cats over 4 months of age are vaccinated against rabies and have a Kane County rabies tag.
  • Ensure that all reported animal bites are given precautionary attention in relation to the possibility rabies infection.
  • Ensure that pet owners are instructed on proper procedures pertaining to animal bites and enforce adherence to these procedures.
  • Contain loose\stray dogs in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.
  • Investigate nuisance dog complaints in unincorporated Kane County and those towns and villages with whom contracted.

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