Kane County’s Planning Cooperative Is a Winner

Kane County’s planning cooperative is among 26 projects, programs, and young professionals named as finalists in the 2014 ULI Chicago Vision Awards, the district council’s unique recognition program.

Winners will be announced from 6 to 9 p.m. June 4 at the 2014 Vision Awards at Redmoon Theater in Chicago.

”We have a diverse group of inspired and imaginative finalists representing a wide range of developments, arts, culture, and services. These are exactly the kinds of distinctive projects and programs that build on the creative energy in our region,” said Michael Damore, Executive Managing Director, Epstein and co-chair of the Vision Awards.

The Awards Committee encouraged a broad spectrum of project and program types, including non-traditional and small-scale projects, to find those passionate people and exciting ideas that might not qualify for traditional awards programs.

The 2014 Vision Award Finalists were named in three categories: project, program, and young visionary.


Chicago Plays!, Chicago Park District

Divvy, Chicago Department of Transportation

Camping Master Plan, Forest Preserves of Cook County

Kane County Planning Cooperative

NeighborSpace – Community Garden Land Trust

Community Planning Program, Regional Transportation Authority

School Investment Program, Public Buildings Commission of Chicago