Please Join Us in Saying ‘Thank You’ to Our 911 Heroes in Headsets

Everyone remembers why we call 911, but seldom do we take the time to say how grateful we are for the calm voice on the other end of the phone.

Our worst day is a 911 telecommunicator’s regular workday. They are dedicated to their job in serving not only the citizens of Kane County but also the police and fire agencies KaneComm services, as well.

Not often recognized as a first responder, these heroes in headsets work tirelessly, multitasking behind the scenes and making life-saving decisions in seconds during difficult and stressful times. They handle every emergency, weather the storms (rain and snow) — through holidays, birthday celebrations and anniversaries, 24/7 and 365 days a year.

Happy National Telecommunicator Week to our team at Kane County Emergency Communications and to all other telecommunicators working hard every day! Thank you for all that you do!


— KaneComm Director Brad Sauer and Deputy Director Michelle Guthrie


Heroes in Headsets 911, Michele Guthrie Heroes in Headsets 911