3 Kane County Businesses Named Best Places to Work in Illinois

3 Kane County Businesses Named Best Places to Work in Illinois

Courtesy of Mueller.com

Courtesy of Mueller.com

img_headercopy Best Places to Work aboutusheaderbig IPMG

Screen shot courtesy of Rush-Copley.

Screen shot courtesy of Rush-Copley.


Three Kane County businesses — representing small- to large-size companies and hailing from one end of the county to the other — have been named among the 2014 Best Places to Work in Illinois.

They are (drumroll, please) …

  • Mueller, a CPA firm in Elgin, ranked 19th in the category of small employers.
  • IPMG, a St. Charles-based insurance program managers group, ranked 10th in the category of medium employers.
  • Rush-Copley Medical Center, Aurora, ranked seventh in the category of large employers.

The selections were made via employee feedback reports conducted by the Best Companies Group of Harrisburg, PA, in the size ranges mentioned above. Small employers are companies with 15 to 99 employees, medium employers  have 100 to 499 employees and large employers have 500-plus employees. 

Mueller is “a certified public accounting and business consulting firm, which has served clients in the Chicago metropolitan area since 1968,” according to its website. It offers a broad range of services for corporations, business owners, executives and independent professionals.

It has a Chicago as well as an Elgin location, but it was the Elgin location that was identified in articles on the Daily Herald and Patch websites.

Mueller recently consolidated two suburban locations in Elgin and St. Charles into a larger  space at the Fisher Corporate Center situated adjacent to a four-way interchange of I-90 and  Randall Road in Elgin.

“The move to our location in Elgin has afforded us the space we needed to expand our  suburban operations. We are now excited about having the additional space in Chicago for  growth and for finding a location that fits our needs close to our present Loop location,” Roy  Groesbeck, a partner in charge of the relocation efforts, said on the company website.

IPMG offers specialty programs, wholesale insurance services or claims and risk management services, according to its websiteIt has corporate offices in St. Charles as well as in St. Louis, MO, and Winter Springs, FL.

“We strive to be a great partner. To instill in you the confidence that we are dedicated to protecting your interests and work at being a trusted member of your team,” the company says on its website.

Rush-Copley probably needs no introduction. It’s a leading provider of health services to the greater Fox Valley area.

“We’re the only level III neonatal intensive care unit in Kane County and the hospital more than 3,300 families choose every year to have their babies. We treat over 70,000 patients in our emergency rooms every year. Safe, quality care is our focus and nearly all of our outcomes meet, and often exceed, national standards,” President and CEO Barry C. Finn says on the About Us page of the company website.

You can find a visual tour of the Rush-Copley campus by clicking here.

Winners were selected based on an employee benefits and policies questionnaire as well as a employee engagement and satisfaction survey. The results are analyzed and categorized according to “8 Core Focus Areas”:

1. Leadership and Planning
2. Corporate Culture and Communications
3. Role Satisfaction
4. Work Environment
5. Relationship with Supervisor
6. Training, Development and Resources
7. Pay and Benefits
8. Overall Engagement