How to Follow the Kane County Connects Web Page

How to Follow the Kane County Connects Web Page



Thanks so much for reading the Kane County Connects newsletter and WordPress web page!

I’d like to suggest three ways that you can enhance your “connectedness” or “connectivity.”

(1) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Follow the Kane County Connected WordPress page.

I added a screenshot at the top of this article so you can see where the blue “Follow” button is, on the top left portion of the page. All you need to do is click here, which should take you to that WordPress page, look for the Follow button and click on that.

It is that simple.

Please consider bookmarking the page and visiting often. The great advantage of digital communication is timeliness. We are working hard to make this site as timely as possible, including posts for breaking news, traffic alrts, road closings and weather events — any of the stuff you need to know quickly.

(2) Sign up for the newsletter.

And invite a friend to do so. You can click here to go straight to the sign-up page. But you can also forward your daily newsletter email to a friend and ask him or her to sign up.

We’re prototyping a weekly newsletter now, and hoping we can start as soon as this week. I want to emphasize that the once-a-week newsletter isn’t going to give you the same level of service as the daily, but it’s another way to stay in touch. The weekly is still on the drawing board, but likely it will provide the five to eight of the most-viewed 30 or so articles of the past week. That means you’ll miss out on 20 or more articles from the daily (Monday through Friday) version.

(3) Follow the Kane County Connected Facebook page. and Twitter account.

If you want to keep up with our posts, another easy way is through social media. The Facebook page gets the most care and feeding at this point and includes regular standalone posts as well as posts that link to articles on the WordPress page. The Twitter handle is @KCCncted.

As I’ve said in some of the previous newsletters, the response has been outstanding. We’re gaining new followers on Facebook and people are subscribing to the newsletter left and right. This is a little “inside baseball,” but open rates, click throughs and engagement statistics are way ahead of industry standards and surprisingly strong considering that we are in such an early stage of development and have done zero marketing.

The overarching goal is to continue to grow our audience so that we can more effectively serve a greater percentage of Kane County’s 515,000 citizens. We get data all the time regarding what articles you’re reading and what Facebook posts are your favorites, but I love to get story ideas — so if you’ve got a topic you think is relevant or engaging for Kane County residents, shoot me an email at


Rick Nagel
Kane County Community Outreach Coordinator