‘Jobs Now!’ Funds Roofing at ECC, Pedestrian Bridge in Batavia
Gov. Pat Quinn has announced a $1 million investment for a roof replacement project at Elgin Community College and road work in Batavia and North Aurora, funded by the Illinois Jobs Now! construction program.
“Elgin Community College is an educational hub for Kane County, and this roof replacement will help keep the campus in shape to continue offering students training for in-demand careers,” Quinn said in a press release issued May 15. “The Batavia and North Aurora road work will make travel safer and more convenient for motorists and pedestrians.”
Elgin Community College will have several roofing systems on campus replaced for $583,000 by Bennett & Brosseau Roofing, Inc. of Romeoville, the lowest of seven bidders. The work will include new roofing on the classroom portion of Building H, the Choral Rehearsal Hall, Instrumental Rehearsal Hall, and the Music Wing. Roofing will also be replaced on the stricture that connects Building H with the Culinary Arts Center, Advanced Technology Center, and events Center. The Illinois Capital Development Board will manage the project.
Sidewalks will be installed at various Batavia locations, and a pedestrian bridge built at Hart Road, for $316,805 by Lorusso Cement Contractors, Inc. of West Chicago, the lowest of 11 bidders. The Illinois Department of Transportation will manage the project.
Sidewalk construction, cross-walk marking, sign upgrades and other work will be performed on various routes in North Aurora. The work will be done for $126,614 by Geneva Construction Company, Inc. of Aurora, the lowest of 12 bidders. The project will be managed by the Illinois Department of Transportation.
“This is great news for taxpayers in Elgin, Streamwood, Carpentersville and Hanover Park,” state Sen. Michael Noland (D-Elgin) said. “With state funding to renovate its campus, Elgin Community College, which serves these communities, will be able to reduce its need for revenue through local property and sales taxes.”
The projects are part of the $31 billion Illinois Jobs Now! program, which will support more than 439,000 jobs over six years. Illinois Jobs Now! is the largest construction program in Illinois history, and is one of the largest construction programs in the nation.