Poor Social/Emotional Wellness One of Leading Health Threats in Kane
During May, we observe National Mental Health Awareness Month. Poor social and emotional wellness is identified in the Kane County Health Department’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) as one of the leading health threats facing Kane residents, which makes the Kane County Mental Health Council an essential tool in improving mental health services for children, adults and families. The theme this year is “Mind Your Health,” which reminds us that there are many ways to be healthy.
The overall goal of Mental Health Month is to build public recognition about the importance of mental health to overall health and wellness; inform people of the ways that the mind and body interact with each other; and provide tips and tools for taking positive actions to protect mental health and promote whole health, according to the Mental Health America website.
In January of 2007, the county’s mental health service providers partnered to create the Kane County Mental Health Council. This alliance is dedicated to improving mental health services for children, adults and families in their communities. The alliance formed in response to community demand, and to the findings of the Kane County Health Department’s IPLAN (Illinois’ Project for Local Assessment of Needs).
The independent Council formed to coordinate services and to make the system more responsive by bringing together provider organizations, mental health authorities, major funders of mental health services, mental health advocacy groups and public officials.
More information is available on the Council’s website by clicking HERE,
SOURCE: Kane County Health Department’s “Health Matters” Newsletter
To sign up for the Health Matters Newsletter, click HERE.
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