Progress Continues on Ambitious Anderson Road Extension, Grade Separation Project
Kane County’s ambitious Anderson Road extension and grade separation project is proceeding as planned and on schedule, with anticipated completion in late 2014 or early 2015.
Bids for the project, originally estimated at more than $21.7 million, came in under budget.
Most recently, on Anderson Road from IL Route 38 to Keslinger Road, crews are stripping topsoil to begin earth moving operations for the embankment for the new roadway. Work on the pedestrian box culvert on the south end of the project is nearing completion, and crews have completed work on the precast box culvert located at the north side of the site. Additional work — such as storm sewer installation, pier construction and earthwork — will begin and continue as the weather allows.
- New 2 Mile Roadway and Bridge/Overpass
- Provides Travel Route Alternatives
- Improves Response Time for Emergency Vehicles
- Offers a Class II Truck Route
- Safe Grade-Separated Railroad Crossing
- Direct Access to the Elburn Metra Station
- Travel Mode Alternatives
- Provides Bicycle/Pedestrian Infrastructure
- Promotes Transit Oriented Development
- Public and Private Sector Partnerships: Kane County, Village of Elburn, Blackberry Township, Metra, Union Pacific Railroad, and Landowners
- Expedited Construction Schedule
- Shovel-Ready pending Land Acquisition
- Funding Commitments from Federal, State and Local Sources; Engineering and Land Acquisition Completed with Local Funds
- Provides needed construction jobs
- Spurs economic development
- Reduces traffic congestion/fuel consumption
- Connects residents to retail, service, commercial, and educational land uses
- Improves air quality
- Improves safety
- 105 Trains per Day
- Railroad Crossing Gates Down ~3 Hrs/Day
- No Existing Bridges or Underpasses Within the Village of Elburn
- A Community Divided: 7-miles of “Adverse Travel” to Avoid Gates Down at UPRR/IL 47 At-Grade Crossing
SOURCE: Kane County Division of Transportation