Kane County Farms Can Be Part of Upcoming Book
For example, Kane County and the USDA through its federal farmland protection program have invested more than $32.6 million in Kane County to permanently protect its rich farmland in agricultural conservation easements. Kane County has invested, since 2001, more than $19.9 million dollars in Riverboat funds matched by more than $ 12.6 in federal funds from the Federal Farmland Protection Program.
Twenty-nine family-owned and operated farms (4,927 acres) have been permanently protected through this voluntary program since 2001. This award winning program has a waiting list of farms totalling 1,500 acres waiting to be protected.
Kane County was Illinois’ first county to:
- protect farms by ordinance from nuisance lawsuits, 1991
- develop a stormwater ordinance to protect farmland, 2000
- establish a Farmland Protection Program, 2001
- assist farmers in maintaining productive soils with a farmland drainage assistance program, 2003
SOURCE: Kane County Facilities, Development and Environmental Resources