Want to File a Complaint for Smoking, Property Nuisance or Food Safety? Here Are 3 Ways to Do That
Among the services that Kane County provides is the ability for residents to file a complaint with the Health Department — and there are three easy ways to do that. Check out the “complaints” page on the Health Department’s website for more information, or click on the links below to go to an online form you can use:
(1) File a complaint ONLINE about a Violation of the Smoke-free Illinois Act:
- CLICK HERE Or call: 630-444-3300
(2) File a complaint ONLINE about Property Maintenance/Nuisance in your community relating to open-burning, weeds and pest control:
- CLICK HERE for more information about filing a nuisance complaint.
- CLICK HERE for our Online Nuisance Complaint Form for a property located in UNINCORPORATED Kane County. Or call: 630-444-3040
(3) File a complaint ONLINE about a suspected health violation at a Restaurant/Food Service/Food Store:
- CLICK HERE Or call: 630-444-3040