Will Aurora Turn One-Way Streets to Two-Ways?

Will Aurora Turn One-Way Streets to Two-Ways?

SOURCE: Screen shot from Google Maps.

SOURCE: Screen shot from Google Maps.

Screen Shot 2014-05-21 at 9.52.43 AM

If you’ve ever driven through downtown Aurora, you’re familiar with the plethora of one-way streets.

After many years of discussion, the city is considering changing some of those one-ways to two-ways, and officials are seeking the public’s opinions and input on their latest plan in an open house on Thursday.

The city of Aurora will share plans for the two-way conversion of New York Street and Galena Boulevard with the public on from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, May 22. The open house will be held in the fifth floor conference room of City Hall, 44 E. Downer Place.

The public is encouraged to attend, review the plans, and give feedback. City staff will be available to answer questions and take comments.

According to the current plans, New York Street from Broadway to Smith Street and Galena Boulevard from Broadway to Ohio Street would be converted from one-way to two-way thoroughfares.

For a photo gallery and more information, visit the Sun-Times website.

SOURCE: city of Aurora