Catch a 'Sneak Peek' at the Auditor's 2nd-Quarter Report — in Video!

Catch a ‘Sneak Peek’ at the Auditor’s 2nd-Quarter Report — in Video!

It’s not every auditor that makes his presentations in video form.

Or in a way you can understand.

And even find interesting.

But that’s what Kane County Auditor Terry Hunt is doing, and his latest video is well worth a look. Click on the Kane County Auditor Facebook page to see it.

The video is a sneak peek at Hunt’s presentation to the county’s Finance and Budget Committee, scheduled for June 25.

The auditor’s quarterly report summarizes the “entire financial operations of the county,” including revenues anticipated and received, expenditures estimated and paid, obligations unpaid, the conditions of all funds and appropriations and other pertinent information.

I don’t pretend to be a financial whiz kid, so we’ll leave the analysis to the experts. Click here for a link to a PDF of the report. That said, fun facts from the video include:

  • Two new funds have been created within the General Fund: the Emergency Reserve Account and the Property Tax Freeze Protection Account. I figure that last one is something most taxpayers probably find interesting.
  • There are nine individual accounts within the General Fund. (Who knew?) In addition to the two mentioned above, there’s the General Account, the Special Reserve Account, the State’s Attorney’s Office Domestic Violence Account, the Environmental Prosecution Account, the Economic Development Account, the Cost Share Drainage Account and the Public Building Commission Account. (See chart below.)

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  • The aggregate property tax levies for Kane County’s portion of your tax bill have been flat since 2010. (See chart below.)

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  • Bond debt has been going down, and that’s really good news. The current debt balance is $61,353,000. (See chart below.)

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The full report will be presented at the June 25 Finance and Budget Committee meeting, which starts at 9 a.m. in Building A at the Kane County Government Center.

“We are always looking for ways to improve the report,” Hunt says in the video. “Your suggestions are appreciated.”