Foster Kids Get 9 New Bikes for Summer

Foster Kids Get 9 New Bikes for Summer

CASA bike pic

Pictured from left to right are Candy Miller, Amy Girardot, Cathy McCoy and Jocelyn McMahan – CASA Advocate Supervisors; Angela Brandenburger and John Diendorf – BP Amoco Contract Compliance; Eric Franzen – CASA Advocate Supervisor and Lori Hewitt –CASA Director of Development. CREDIT: CASA Kane County


BP Products North America Inc. of Naperville donated nine bicycles with training wheels to CASA Kane County, a local nonprofit, volunteer organization that advocates for the best interests of abused and neglected children within the Juvenile Court System. The program has 242 active volunteer CASA’s (Court Appointed Special Advocates) and served 552 children throughout Kane County last year.

This donation was made possible through BP’s teambuilding session held at a semi- annual meeting intended to educate employees on the importance of continuous improvement.

Angela Brandenburger and John Diendorf were two of the BP employees who helped build the bikes.

“We thought it would be great if we could donate the bikes to CASA Kane County so some of their foster kids could have new bikes to enjoy for the summer,” she said.

Giving back to the community is part of BP’s People Team agenda which aims to provide opportunities to their employees that supports the communities in which BP does business.

For more information on how you can help or if you would like to become a CASA/GAL volunteer, please visit CASA Kane County’s website at or call 630-232-4484.


SOURCE: CASA Kane County press release