Hampshire Assessments Published (in Print and Online) — And More to Come
The 2014 assessment changes for one Kane County Township are being published today:
- Hampshire Township assessment changes are being published in the Elgin Courier-News.
You also can find them in PDF form here, on the Kane County Supervisor of Assessments website. (http://www.kanecountyassessments.org/Publications.html)
After all revisions and corrections by the Township Assessor are applied, an equalization factor is calculated for each Township:
- Each non-farm property in Hampshire Township was equalized with a factor of 1.0000.
To obtain assessment information about a property in any of these townships, please call the Township Assessor’s Office or visit the Township Assessor’s web site (directory here).
To obtain complaint forms and a copy of the Rules and Procedures of the Kane County Board of Review, visi twww.KaneCountyAssessments.org/AssessmentComplaint.html or call (630) 208-3818.
By state law, the last day that an assessment complaint may be filed is the close of business on the 30th day after publication in a local newspaper. The only exception is if the County Assessment Office is not open on the 30th day; in that instance, the deadline is automatically extended to the close of business on the next day the office is open.
Assessment changes in Hampshire Township are being published Monday, June 23, 2014, the filing deadline for Hampshire Township is July 23, 2014.