Kane County Reappoints Schielke to Pace Board
The Kane County Board on Tuesday reappointed Batavia Mayor Jeffery Schielke to a four-year term as the county’s representative on the Pace Board of Directors.
Pace is the suburban bus division of the Regional Transit Authority, whose mission is to quickly move people to work and school safely and efficiently, according to the Pace website. The organization serves tens of thousands of daily riders with more fixed bus routes, vanpools and Dial-a-Ride programs. The region covers 3,500 square miles and is the one of the largest bus services in North America.
The Pace Board consists of 13 directors. Six directors are appointed by the suburban members of the Cook County Board of Commissioners, representing the six suburban regions as defined in the RTA Act. Five directors are appointed, one each, by the chairmen of DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties.
Kane County Board Chairman Chris Lauzen described Schielke as “one of the finest public servants in the entire Fox Valley” and said Schielke has been instrumental in regional transportation planning as well as helping to secure federal funding support, via the Kane Kendall Council of Mayors, for the Longmeadow Parkway bridge project.
Among the Pace’s many goals is to help connect Kane County bus routes along Randall Road to a broader regional network with destinations that include O’Hare Airport. An RTA program with federal funding allowed the construction 33 bus shelters and concrete pads throughout the region, including some on Randall Road, according to an April article in the Kane County Chronicle.
Eighth District board member Jesse Vazquez made the motion to appoint Schielke, and 24th District board member Joseph Haimann made the second.