Looking for a Summer Job? Aurora Grant Can Help 120 Students

Looking for a Summer Job? Aurora Grant Can Help 120 Students

Constant Common image. NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Constant Common image. NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)


This summer, more than 120 high school and college students will be working in parks and youth development programs throughout Aurora thanks to Illinois Youth Recreation Corps grants from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.

The grants, totaling $293,000, have been awarded to the City of Aurora, Communities in Schools, and the Aurora Township.

As a part of the grant program, the City of Aurora Parks Department will hire 18 teenagers and two college-aged supervisors.  Youth Workers will provide assistance in a variety of areas in the Parks and Recreation Department including the First Tee Junior Golf Program, as exhibitors and docents at the Phillips Park Zoo, as assistants to the city horticulturalist, monitoring the skate park and splash pad, maintaining ball fields, gathering data for the city’s tree survey, and much more.

Communities in Schools will hire 70 teenagers and 7 college-aged supervisors for Aurora’s Youth Partnership Summer Camp.  The Youth Partnership Summer Camp, offered by Communities in Schools, the City of Aurora, Triple Threat Mentoring, the Quad County Urban League, and several schools and community groups, offers half-day and full-day programing 19 Aurora elementary schools. The young workers will help with fitness and nutrition activities, field trips, reading, and art, and help mentor children in teamwork, decision-making, responsibility, trust and discipline.

Aurora Township will hire 22 young people, up from 11 last year. The additional help will allow the Township to keep their summer camp, which starts this week at the Aurora Township Youth Center, running for an additional week this summer.

“I thank Governor Quinn for providing this opportunity for Aurora’s youth,” said Mayor Tom Weisner. “Providing summer jobs for our youngsters not only teaches them important life skills, but many of these positions put them in mentoring and supervision roles of elementary and middle school-age children.  This will help keep the younger kids off the streets in the summer and on a positive path as they get older.”

Students interested in applying for a job with the City of Aurora Parks Department through the Illinois Youth Recreation Corps grant program can find details in the job posting online at  https://www.aurora-il.org/documents/humanresources/2014_job_grant_youth.pdf and download an application atwww.aurora-il.org/documents/humanresources/frm_employmentapp.pdf.  For information, contact the City Human Resources Department at 630.256.INFO or visit 44 E. Downer Place. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday.

Youth interested in applying for jobs at Communities in Schools can call 630.256.4500 or Aurora Township can call 630.897. 8777 for applications and more information.


SOURCE: city of Aurora