Kane County Offers Free Mortgage Relief Event July 12
The Kane County Foreclosure Task Force has schedule a free Mortgage Relief Project event from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 12 at Aurora’s Prisco Community Center.
Homeowners who attend will receive helpful advice about mortgage refinancing, foreclosure prevention, legal rights, credit counseling and avoiding scams. Additionally, Housing and Urban Development‐certified counselors will be on hand to provide private, one‐on‐one counseling.
The Mortgage Relief Project is a statewide program co‐sponsored by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, the Illinois Housing Development Authority and the Illinois Department of Employment Security. It is designed to offer a one‐stop shop where homeowners can access the resources of state agencies and nonprofit organizations that help Illinois residents stay in their homes.
Illinois’ Homeowner Protection Act requires all lenders and loan servicers to notify homeowners who are at least 30 days late on their mortgage payments that they have 30 days to seek housing counseling to get their loans back on track.
If a homeowner enters housing counseling, he or she gets an additional 30‐day grace period on foreclosure in order to work out a payment plan or refinance option.
For more information or to receive immediate assistance in advance of the event, please call IDFPR’s toll‐free consumer hotline at 800-532‐8785 during regular business hours or visit www.idfpr.com or www.ihda.org.