Kane County Moments: ‘Calm Before the Storm’ in St. Charles
‘Calm Before the Storm’
Image and text by Brian DeWolf, Photographer
A fisherman working the water below the dam on a comfortable summer night is the way life is in downtown St. Charles. It’s a stunning downtown setting with the white marble City Hall building takes center stage. The Hotel Baker’s gazebo and river front garden provide “front row seating” for watching life go by in the scenic river town.
“The closer we look, the more there is to see.”
For more images from Brian, visit www.BrianDeWolf.com. His work is sold exclusively through Proud Fox Gallery, Geneva, IL
Editor’s Note: Introducing a New Feature of Kane County Connects
One of the joys of this gig as community outreach coordinator is finding great stuff in Kane County, and it’s especially pleasing when the great stuff lands in your lap. I received a nice e-mail the other day from Brian DeWolf, one of the best photographers around, so we asked him if he’d be willing to share some of his images with us. He graciously said yes, and this post is the first of what we hope is an ongoing series.
One part of our mission is to showcase the great stuff in Kane County. Another is connecting people from all areas of the county. A third is to promote business, which is part of our mandate as a Riverboat-Fund-backed service. I think all three of those apply here, and I am issuing a formal invitation for you to take part.
Are you an amateur or professional photographer in Kane County? Are you from outside the area but shooting scenes or people in Kane County and want to share? Do you ever take a photo with your cell phone and think it might be worth sharing? We’d like to give you a platform to do that. For the time being (or until I come up with something better), we’re calling this feature “Kane County Moments.”
If you’d like to take part, email a photo to ricknagel23@gmail.com, with a brief (or long if you prefer) description. Put “Kane County Moments” in the subject line, and we’ll post as many as we can.
Rick Nagel
July 16, 2014
Great Idea Looking forward to more pictures
Darla @ Heritage Woods of Batavia