Kane County Moments: ‘LaFox Sunrise’
‘LaFox Sunrise’
Image and text by Brian DeWolf, Photographer, www.BrianDeWolf.com
The peacefulness of a farmland sunrise is still for the taking in Kane County. This image is titled, “La Fox Sunrise.” It is looking toward LaFox from Harley Road on a September morning.
Years of progress and development have changed the landscape in the county, and the years ahead will surely see more of it. I like to think that photographs of “the way things were” can provide future generations with a mood as well as documentation.
“The closer we look, the more there is to see.”
- Brian DeWolf is a professional photographer in Kane County. His work is sold exclusively through Proud Fox Gallery, Geneva, IL.
Are you an amateur or professional photographer in Kane County? We’d like to give you a platform to showcase your photos in a feature we’re calling “Kane County Moments.” To take part, email a photo to ricknagel23@gmail.com, with a brief (or long, if you prefer) description. Put “Kane County Moments” in the subject line, and we’ll post as many as we can.