POLL RESULTS: Mixed Emotions on Increased Air Traffic
So far, the emotions have been mixed regarding the increase in overhead air traffic some folks in Kane County have noticed of late.
According to an article by Marni Pyke a week ago in the Daily Herald, the increase in air traffic and jet noise has ticked off some U.S. representatives to the point they are asking the FAA to throw out the O’Hare International Airport expansion plan and start over.
We asked your opinion, in part to see if Kane County has had the same experience as other collar counties, and in part to see how much air traffic and noise in general captures folks’ attention.
As of Sunday, 100 people had answered the poll question. Of those:
- 44 said they’ve noticed an increase in jet traffic and it’s been bad.
- 33 said they’d noticed but it doesn’t bother them.
- 23 said they haven’t noticed any difference.
The nice thing about 100 responses is we don’t have to do a lot of math to figure the percentages.
We also experimented with a comments feature on this article, and got the following responses. As you can see and probably could guess, the commenters generally were from folks who had stronger opinions.
This from Gib Thostenson of Geneva:
My wife and I have lived in Pepper Valley in Geneva for 38 years, and we have definitely noticed a big increase in low flying jets with all of the noise that goes with it. Some are so low I can actually identify the type of jet. I have even been awakened at 4 a.m. with jet noise. Our house is also right in line with Delnor Community Hospital as well as Williamsburg Elementary School in Geneva. We are 44 miles from the airport and have never experienced this kind of noise before.
This from Kim Mcintyre:
Our house seems to be right in line with one of the landing patterns, we live close to I-90 and have large planes flying directly over our house all the time.
From Brian
Comment: Jets fascinate me, but my fascination is wearing thin.
This from Colin Campbell:
We live in Geneva and there is no question that on certain days there is a substantial increase in low/slow flying commercial aircraft flying west directly over our house. These are not aircraft that are taking off. While the considerable noise is annoying I am more concerned about the pollutants that their engines are dumping into the air directly over us. This is not a healthy situation.
From Facebook
Grazia Francioli Bittner I live too far away to notice–Fox Valley
And here’s the poll. You still can vote and comment, if you like.