Want to Be in the Montgomery Fest Parade? How About the Carp Derby?

Want to Be in the Montgomery Fest Parade? How About the Carp Derby?

Montgomery Fest Map_thumb Montgomery Fest thumb Screen Shot 2014-07-11 at 1.46.36 PM

There’s no such thing as bad advertising and the Montgomery Fest Parade at 1 p.m. Aug. 10 definitely counts as great advertising. All businesses, families and causes are welcome to participate in this event.  This event is FREE to participate in, and who doesn’t love a parade?

This is also a fun FREE event for families who like to walk together, ride bikes together, or pull their adorable children in a wagon.

All participants must fill out the FREE application which can be found on the Montgomery Fest website.  The application deadline is July 31.

Each summer, Montgomery Fest brings together neighbors and friends from throughout the area to enjoy a weekend of old-fashioned family fun. Held the second weekend in August along the banks of the Fox River, highlights of the Fest include musical performances, carnival rides, a wide range of food vendors, free pony rides and petting zoo, a fishing derby, a car show and a parade.

In 2014, Montgomery Fest will be held on August 8, 9 and 10.  Special events this year will include several contests, (carp derbyBattle of the Bandstalent show), terrific entertainment, and a parade that local groups or businesses can participate in with no registration fee (although advance sign-up is required).

A detailed schedule of events will be posted on the village website and mailed to all residents with the August water bills.

Various levels of sponsorships are available for businesses, ranging from major sponsors to event sponsors to in-kind donations.  This is a wonderful way to show your support for the community and showcase your business at the Fest.  Please take the time to thank the 2014 Montgomery Fest Sponsors who make this event possible!

Applications for Craft and Business Booths and for the Parade are available online. For further information on Montgomery Fest, please call (630) 896-8080, Ext. 1114.


SOURCE: http://ci.montgomery.il.us/