16th Circuit’s Foreclosure Mediation Offers Win-Win for Lenders, Borrowers, Taxpayers
The 16th Judicial Circuit Court Kane County has established a Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program to assist homeowners in court cases of foreclosure. This program is designed to reduce the burden of expenses sustained by lenders, borrowers and taxpayers as a result of residential mortgage foreclosures court actions.
This is an opportunity for homeowners and lenders to speak directly to generate possible options for resolving the pending foreclosure action.
“The Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program is designed to aid the administration of justice by promoting judicial efficiency,” Chief Judge Judith M. Brawka said. “Further, the program is aimed at keeping families in their homes if possible, to prevent vacant and abandoned houses in Kane County that negatively affect property values and de-stabilize neighborhoods.”
All new foreclosure actions filed on or after Jan. 01, 2014, will have a Notice of Mediation and Homeowner Questionnaire and Checklist attached to the Summons and Complaint. All homeowners who meet the program requirements start out in the program but can choose not to participate.
A homeowner is eligible for this program if the following requirements are met: ownership of a one- to six-unit family residential property or condominium which is the primary residence of the homeowner or they have a right to return and the homeowner is the borrower on the mortgage; or as permitted by the presiding judge.
Participation in the program requires the homeowner to contact the program coordinator to complete the initial phone conference and file an appearance with the clerk of the Circuit Court This program refers homeowners to HUD-approved Housing Agencies and Pro Bono Legal Services to better explore the options available for their case such as a loan modification or relinquishment.
Although residential foreclosure filings are trending downward across the nation, including in Kane County, more than 2,000 foreclosure filings are still projected for Kane County alone in 2014. (“Foreclosure Updates.” Woodstock Institute. N.p., 19 Feb. 2014. Web. 07 Apr. 2014.)
For more information on the Kane County Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Mediation Program, please contact the Program Coordinator at:
Kane County Courthouse
100 S. 3rd Street, room 432
Geneva, IL 60134
Phone: 630-444-3128 or 630-444-3129
Email: Kaneforeclosuremediation@co.kane.il.us
Website: www.illinois16thjudicialcircuit.org/foreclosureMediation
SOURCE: 16th Circuit Court Foreclosure Mediation