Geneva Community Chest Golf Outing Monday at Eagle Brook

Geneva Community Chest Golf Outing Monday at Eagle Brook

The 11thAnnual Geneva Community Chest Golf Outing will be held on Monday, Aug. 25, at Eagle Brook Country Club.

The Geneva Community Chest benefits more than 20 Tri-Cities charities.  Each year the organization donates more than $75,000 to these local charities serving our community without any administrative costs.

The response has been very positive this year, with more than 115 golfers registered and more than 40 hole sponsors. Local sports announcer and TV and radio celeb Matt Rodewald has volunteered his time to MC the dinner program and live auction event held that evening. More than 75 local businesses and supporters have also generously donated a wide variety of great auction items.

The role of the Community Chest is simple. An all-volunteer board of directors, consisting of community and business leaders, annually reviews requests for funds from organizations that provide a wide variety of help to citizens of Geneva and the surrounding area. The board then allocates a portion of its annual fundraising goal to deserving agencies.

To  learn more about the Geneva Community Chest and the Fox Valley charities, or to make a donation, please visit