Kane County Moments: ‘Biking in Batavia’
Image and text by Brian DeWolf, Photographer, www.BrianDeWolf.com
Batavia welcomes bicyclists. My eye was on the towering cumulous cloud behind the stone buildings. When a bicyclist rode by it made a good landscape image into a more interesting capture. It’s a blend of nature, architecture and leisure.
“The closer we look, the more there is to see.”
Brian DeWolf is a professional photographer in Kane County. His work is sold through Proud Fox Gallery, Geneva, IL.
- Are you an amateur or professional photographer in Kane County? We’d like to give you a platform to showcase your photos in a feature we’re calling “Kane County Moments.” To take part, email a photo to ricknagel23@gmail.com, with a brief (or long, if you prefer) description. Put “Kane County Moments” in the subject line, and we’ll post as many as we can.