U-46 Students Help Power Elgin Church's Unique 'Solar Social'

U-46 Students Help Power Elgin Church’s Unique ‘Solar Social’

On Saturday, Aug. 23,  the Unitarian Universalist Church of Elgin is partnering with three groups to host an Interfaith Solar Social.

The event will take place at  the church. UUCE will be  joined by the Illinois Solar Energy Association, Faith in  Place, and high school students from the Math and  Science Academy program of District U-46. The students  are engaged in promoting  renewable energy and combating climate change.

From 10 a.m. to noon, presenters  will provide an overview of  the state of solar industry in  Illinois, and share hands-on experience with installation of PV solar systems on faith community buildings. Installing PV solar systems is one of the most effective ways for individuals and small groups of people, such as those in the faith community, to take actionable steps to combat climate change, the UUCE says.

Through a generous donation from a member of the congregation, the Unitarian Universalist Church of Elgin installed a 9.8 KW photovoltaic solar energy system in 2012. Since that time, the PV solar system has generated 33.2 MWh of energy.

“Every watt of PV-generated electricity means less burning of coal and other fossil fuels that emit carbon dioxide,” according to an article in Unichord, the church’s newsletter. “This means that the church’s PV solar system is consistent with the congregation’s deep commitment to care for the earth and creation of a sustainable environment.”

That same 33.2 MWh of energy saved the church nearly $3,000 in electricity bills.

The cost of PV solar systems remains relatively high, and the payback period is many years for states like
Illinois where electricity rates have remained relatively low, the newsletter points out.


SOURCE: Unitarian Universalist Church of Elgin