What Diseases Do Schools, Child Care Centers Report?
WARNING: This article might be TMI.
TMI, of course, stands for Too Much Information, and the stuff provided by the Kane County Health Department in the links below might qualify for that abbreviation in a couple ways.
First, there’s the sheer volume of valuable information here. Second, some folks consider any talk about communicable diseases to be TMI.
The good news is that the Kane County Health Department is more than interested. Schools, child-care centers, doctors and a laundry list of professionals are, in fact, required to report certain diseases to the Health Department within prescribed time periods.
For example, anthrax, influenza A, any suspected bioterrorist threat, SARS, botulism, smallpox and many more have to be reported within three hours of their discovery. Diseases like chickenpox, rabies, German measles, whooping cough and a bunch of others have to be reported within 24 hours.
Even a regular Jane or Joe citizen can report an outbreak, 24 hours a day, by calling 630-208-3801.
All reports are confidential and should include:
- the disease or condition being reported.
- patient’s name, age, gender, race/ethnicity, address and telephone number.
- reporter’s name, address and telephone number.
Here’s more information — hopefully not TMI — that you can find on the Kane County Health Department School Health page.
Communicable Disease Reporting
and Resource Manual for Schools
and Child Care Centers:
Full Manual Document (17.1 MB)
Section 3 – Communicable Disease Fact Sheets A-Z
Section 5 – Animals in Schools and Daycares
Section 6 – Guidelines Environment