How Kane Parents Can Get Support During Pregnancy, Child Rearing
The Kane County Health Department is celebrating Infant Mortality Awareness Month during September by promoting Kane Kares, a program designed to help support parents during pregnancy and child-rearing.
“Pregnancy and early childhood can be a wonderful time. It can also be stressful — especially when you are a first-time mom experiencing family, health or pregnancy problems,” the Kane Kares brochure says.
Under the Kane Kares program, a specially-trained registered nurse will visit and support you through your pregnancy and until your baby’s second birthday.
The goals of Kane Kares are to:
- Support parents
- Enhance early childhood emotional, social, mental, and physical growth and development
- Reduce rates of low birthweight, prematurity, and infant mortality
- Promote well child care and family bonding
Kane Kares Brochure: English; Spanish
If you are a pregnant, first-time mother living in Kane County and would like more information about
enrolling in Kane Kares, please call: (630) 264-7339 or (847) 888-6455.