How Will We Help 40,000 Kane County Residents Improve Their English?

How Will We Help 40,000 Kane County Residents Improve Their English?

If you have an hour a week to help an adult read, write and speak English, you will want attend Literacy Volunteers Fox Valley’s tutor training workshop from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, Oct. 6, 8, 13 and 15 at the St. Charles Public Library.

Literacy volunteers literally change the lives of their adult neighbors by helping them understand English more effectively. It is estimated that there are more than 40,000 immigrants and refugees in Central Kane County who need help.

During the free workshop, you will learn methods used to teach adults English while discussing the issues people face when they have little knowledge of the American culture. You will explore cultural awareness, basic English language needs, conversation techniques, practice drills and more.

Our learners live or work in St. Charles, Geneva, Batavia or Elburn. You can tutor morning, afternoon or evening as your schedule allows. Many tutoring locations exist including the St. Charles Public Library, Batavia Public Library, Geneva Public Library and Town & Country Public Library in Elburn.

Volunteer tutors do not need to know a second language or have a background in education to help. According to learners, the most successful tutors are good listeners and give practical information. Staff members will provide continuing support.

To register or for more information about the workshop, visit or call 630-584-4428.