Kane County Moments: Photography Meets Art Meets Fall Sports Season

Kane County Moments: Photography Meets Art Meets Fall Sports Season

DeWolf, Moments, Vikings Rule

Image and text by Brian DeWolf, Photographer, www.BrianDeWolf.com

Honors for this image go to artist/sculptor Joe Gagnepain, creator of the Viking. The Viking sculpture towers in front of Geneva High School.

The poster says “Vikings Rule” (“rule” in smaller text inside the tail of the G). It is not mass produced. It is printed one at a time and is available at The Paper Merchant in Geneva.

“The closer we look, the more there is to see.”

Brian DeWolf is a professional photographer in Kane County. His work is sold through Proud Fox Gallery, Geneva, IL. 

  • Editor’s Note 1: Are you an amateur or professional photographer in Kane County? We’d like to give you a platform to showcase your photos in a feature we’re calling “Kane County Moments.” To take part, email a photo to ricknagel23@gmail.com, with a brief (or long, if you prefer) description. Put “Kane County Moments” in the subject line, and we’ll post as many as we can.
  • Editor’s Note 2: We know that Vikings are one of many sports teams in Kane County, and with the advent of the fall sports season, we invite you to take our reader poll, Who’s Your Favorite Football Team in Kane County?