New Equestrian Trail, Entrance, Amenities Coming to Freeman Kame/Meagher Forest Preserve

New Equestrian Trail, Entrance, Amenities Coming to Freeman Kame/Meagher Forest Preserve

A new trail and amenities that provide access to the southern part of Freeman Kame/Meagher Forest Preserve are on the way next year, thanks in part to a federal Recreation Trails Program grant, recently awarded to the Forest Preserve District of Kane County.

The district was notified Sept. 19 that it will receive a $200,000 grant toward trail and parking improvements for the Freeman Kame/Meagher Forest Preserve in Gilberts.

The project includes a new preserve entrance along Tower Hill Road, offering first-time access to the southern part of the preserve. The lot will include space for 15 vehicles including an equestrian trailer parking area. There will also be a well and drinking fountain, interpretive and wayfinding signs, shelter and restroom. A 10-foot-wide screenings trail will loop through the southern preserve area for 0.66 miles, and then a 6-foot mowed trail will meander north for 1.12 miles through hills, woods and open areas. The trail will adjoin an existing 3.5-mile hiking trail that leads to the district’s youth camping area, Camp Tomo Chi-Chi Knolls.

Engineering will be completed this winter. Construction is expected to begin in spring 2015, with majority of the project completed by fall 2015. Total cost of the project is estimated to be $255,000.

“Recreation is a key part of our mission. Not only will this trail project offer the public access to the southern part of this gorgeous preserve complex, it will attract trail users from throughout the region. It will also serve hundreds of equestrians whose horses are boarded in this area,” said Executive Director Monica Meyers. “We are grateful to the Illinois Department of Natural Resources for administering this important grant and recognizing the value of this project. Grant programs such as this really allow us to maximize the public’s investment,” she said.

For more information on the Forest Preserve District of Kane County or the Freeman Kame/Meagher Forest Preserve complex, visit

SOURCE: Kane County Forest Preserve District press release

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About The Freeman Kame-Meaagher Forest Preserve

The Freeman Kame-Meaagher Farm is some of Kane County’s most picturesque topography situated on the northern flank of the kettle-moraine complex north of Gilberts. Here we have the wet kettle pockets defined by the wooded kames and numerous hills and drumlins that create a panorama of habitats ranging from the spectacular to the cozy secluded nooks. This region holds the potential for a very large forest preserve of exceptionally attractive lands.
Freeman Kame is now our highest risk natural area and from “Wild Plants and Natural Areas,” “….40 acres of this exceptional mix of habitats that now provides a very valuable window to our past and a link to the protection of a host of wildlife forms. The quiet splendor and richness of this place transcends description, and it is a humbling experience to witness this interesting native pageant.”
Freeman Kame is located on Freeman Road.
Meagher is located between Powers Road and Freeman Road.
This preserve includes a horseback riding area.  Most horse trails are natural surface, mowed grass paths. Limestone screenings trails and asphalt bike trails are available in some of the preserves. These are multi-use trails shared with runners, bicyclists, dog walkers etc. Horse riders are required to stay on designated, forest preserve-maintained trails. Trail riding is not allowed in restricted natural areas, Illinois Nature Preserves, picnic areas or in farmed areas. To prevent trail damage during wet weather, trails may be temporarily closed. Individual forest preserves will post a sign at the entrance when horse trails are closed.  Trails are currently OPEN for equestrian use at this preserve.