Sheriffs’ Car Show Helps ‘Make a Wish’
“With the doctors providing the medicine and Make-A-Wish supplying the joy, we strive to create miracles in the lives of children.”
That’s what Make-A-Wish Illinois says on its website, and that’s what sheriffs from Kane, Kendall and DeKalb counties aimed to do with a recent fundraiser, the Aug. 30 Sheriff’s Car and Motorcycle Show.
On Tuesday, on behalf of Kendall County Sheriff Dick Randall and DeKalb County Sheriff Roger Scott, Kane County Sheriff Pat Perez presented Make-A-Wish Illinois with a check for $11,675.12, the combined funds raised by the 2014 car show in Elburn.
“The weather forecast was not promising and the skies were gray the morning of the event, but as the day progressed, the skies cleared up and over 110 people came out to show their cars and motorcycles in support of this great charity,” a Tuesday press release said. “The sheriff’s would like to thank all who helped make this event successful.”
Several businesses and citizens donated monies, food and time.
For the past several years, the show was held at the Martin Family Farm near Elburn. Perez said the Martin family and their donation of their property has been one of the biggest reasons the shows have raised so much money for good causes over the years.
SOURCE: Kane County Sheriff’s press release
How Make-A-Wish Grants Wishes
The goal at Make-A-Wish® is to be a unique part of the treatment process.
Make-A-Wish Do’s
- We do fulfill wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions.
- We do accept referrals and requests from parents/guardians, medical staff and even the children themselves.
- We do fulfill wishes for children of all economic backgrounds.
- We do begin the wish process as soon as we receive the request.
- We do fulfill each wish at the family’s convenience as much as possible.
- We do respect a family’s request for privacy and confidentiality.
Make-A-Wish Don’t’s
- We don’t choose which children receive wishes. All children who are medically eligible have wishes fulfilled.
- We don’t consider the family’s financial status.
- We don’t put wish children on a waiting list.
- We don’t make one wish more important than any other.
Wish Impact
A recent survey by Make-A-Wish America recently confirmed that wishes are an important part of the treatment process. A wish come true helps children feel stronger, more energetic, more willing and able to battle their life-threatening medical conditions.
Here are just a few of the findings:
- 81 percent of parents observe an increased willingness by their wish kids to comply with treatment protocols
- 92 percent of parents saw their children experience re-empowerment to take back the ability to make decisions in their lives.
- 85 percent of parents observed a decrease in their children’s anxieties or fears and 92 percent of parents observed a reduction in fear and anxiety among wish kids’ siblings.
SOURCE: Make-A-Wish Illinois