Aurora Gears Up for Disaster Preparedness Event

Aurora Gears Up for Disaster Preparedness Event

The city of Aurora’s Emergency Management Agency will stage a public event to stress the importance of disaster preparedness at 6:30 p.m., Oct. 28, at the Aurora Regional Fire Museum, 53 North Broadway Ave.

The community presentation will cover winter and summer storm preparedness, developing emergency and communication plans and emergency kits, post disaster safety, and preparing the entire family to handle emergencies and disasters. Along with Aurora citizens, the presentation is recommended for school representatives, scouting and faith-based groups, and business owners.

The program will be presented by Joseph Jones, CEM, coordinator of the Aurora Emergency Management Agency, Spiro’s Koliopoulos, a trained meteorologist and a volunteer with the Aurora Emergency Management Agency; and a representative of the American Red Cross.

The event is presented as part of America’s Prepareathon! a national community-based campaign for action to increase emergency preparedness and resilience that is sponsored by FEMA. Simple, specific actions that citizens can take to increase preparedness for a potential disaster will be discussed during the presentation; and guides and resources will be available.

Parking is available in the rear of the museum.

For more information on the event, visit or call 630-256-INFO (4636).

SOURCE: city of Aurora press release