Carpentersville's Tuesday Workshop Addresses Health, Infrastructure in Old Town Area

Carpentersville’s Tuesday Workshop Addresses Health, Infrastructure in Old Town Area

Carpentersville Old Town

The village of Carpentersville will be hosting a public workshop Monday as part of a broader study to address health and infrastructure issues within the village’s Old Town area.

The Health Impact Assessment will be conducted in partnership with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning and the Kane County Planning Cooperative, to evaluate the health and safety impacts of potential infrastructure improvements to the intersection of Main and Washington streets.

The project will be supported by CMAP’s Local Technical Assistance Program, which provides technical and material assistance to communities that have submitted qualifying proposals. Some of the prior LTA projects that have been completed in Kane County include:

  • Comprehensive Plan for the village of Campton Hills
  • Sub Area Plan for the village of Carpentersville
  • A Guide to Evaluating Public Land for Local Food Production (Kane County)
  • Comprehensive Plan for the village of Elburn

The workshop will be conducted in multiple segments. First, the concept of using a Health Impact Assessment as a policy tool will be introduced, providing practitioners and interested citizens with an overview of the study process. Having already completed an HIA on local foods policy, Kane County staff is experienced with the study process and will facilitate the introductory training.

Next, staff members from the village of Carpentersville will analyze and discuss the intersection of Main Street and Washington Street within the context of the surrounding site area. The intersection is located near the center of Carpentersville’s Old Town area and presents a unique set of challenges for drivers and pedestrians traversing the site.

The last segment of the workshop will allow those in attendance to share their observations of the site, including potential health issues that should be addressed by the study.

The workshop will be conducted on from 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Oct. 21. It will be located in the Carpentersville Public Works Building main conference room at 1075 Tamarac Drive in Carpentersville. It is not required, but attendees are encouraged to RSVP with Samantha Sherrod at or 312-386-8712.

For a complete summary of the HIA project, please visit CMAP’s dedicated webpage.