Ever Thought About Low-Maintenance Naturalized Plantings for Your Yard? Free Seminar in Montgomery
The village of Montgomery will present the seminar “Understanding the use of Low-Maintenance Native Plants in a Residential Setting” from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014, at the Montgomery Village Hall, 200 N. River St., Montgomery.
Mike Pubentz, director of Public Works for the village of Montgomery, and Seth Crackel, General Manager for the Village’s naturalized basin consultant Pizzo and Associates, Ltd. will provide an overview of village of Montgomery’s Naturalized Storm Water Basin Maintenance Program.
This presentation is intended for residents living near large areas of naturalized common space, and for anyone who is interested in naturalized plantings.
This highly graphic presentation is intended to provide a basic understanding of ecosystem functions, the role native plants play in ecosystem health, and a deeper understanding of efforts required meet or surpass regulatory requirements concerning ecosystem restoration and management. This presentation will show in simple terms the intent of ecosystem restoration efforts and processes for successful natural areas management.
Attendees will gain a basic understanding of ecosystem function and the role native plants play, will learn the critical part native plants play in providing habitat for birds and butterflies, and will learn the keys to successful native landscape maintenance.
If you have any questions in regard to the “Understanding the use of Low-Maintenance Native Plants in a Residential Setting” seminar please call the Montgomery Public Works Department at 630-896-9241.
Thank you Montgomery Public Works for this effort to encourage your property owners to participate in an important water quality practice. And for your efforts to naturalize detention basins.
Gary Swick, Friends of the Fox River