Letter to the Editor: 'Vote AGAINST Disconnection From the Elburn and Countryside Fire Protection District'

Letter to the Editor: ‘Vote AGAINST Disconnection From the Elburn and Countryside Fire Protection District’

Dear Editor,

For the past 132+ years, Elburn and Countryside Fire Protection District has been your Fire and EMS provider. During this time, Elburn and Countryside Fire Protection District officials have proven fiscal responsibility by incurring no debt to the taxpayers of the Fire District while still being able to purchase property and construct a new Fire Station #1 in Elburn and open a third fire station in Lilly Lake.

In addition to the fire stations, district officials have also been able to continue to purchase and upgrade fire and ambulance apparatus and fire and EMS supplies, with all of the most modern equipment available. District officials have also made it possible to hire and further educate and promote its own Fire District firefighters and paramedics so that most if not all have excelled in their positions within the department to achieve further education and skills which is not only a benefit to the individual but a tremendous asset to the department. What this means to you? This was all done without any debt. You as the resident of Elburn and Countryside Fire Protection District have the most to gain from everything mentioned above.

As a former paid-on-call member for the Elburn and Countryside Fire Department, I can say with certainty that every patient and every piece of property involved in any incident, medical or otherwise, is treated with dignity and respect as if it were their own. Each member of the department carries a sense of pride knowing that they have been given the best training and best equipment available to perform their task.

I ask for your support by voting NO and AGAINST disconnection from the Elburn and Countryside Fire Protection District.

Michael Anderson


Editor’s Notes

  • Deadline election-related letters or guest essays. The last day to submit letters to the editor or guest essays regarding an item on the Nov. 4 ballot is noon Thursday, Oct. 30.  Please see this article for more information and remember to participate the spirit of civility outlined in the article. Letters or essays that contain personal attacks, character assassination or inappropriate language will not be published.
  • Kane County Connects welcomes your opinions. If you have an opinion that is different than the one stated here or would like to submit a letter to the editor on another topic, please send an email to Community Outreach Coordinator Rick Nagel at ricknagel23@gmail.com and include your name, address and telephone number for verification. All letters must be signed with the first and last name of the letter writer. For more information on the ground rules, see this article.