Lions Candy Day Is Oct. 10-11
Lions Clubs in South Elgin, Geneva and other communities will once again be participating in the statewide fundraiser for the Lions of Illinois Foundation on Oct. 10 and Oct. 11 and will be handing out candy at various intersections throughout Kane County.
Candy Day began in 1952 as the result of Past District Governor Marvin Tench who wanted to change the attitude toward people who are blind and is the premiere fundraiser for the LIF services and programs provided to the hearing and visually impaired in Illinois.
This event alone raises more than 50 percent of the total operating funds for the LIF.
Through these donations, services are provided to the visually impaired and hearing impaired, which includes sending recipients to Camp Lions, a summer residential camp, especially designed for children with sight and hearing loss, and Camp Helen Keller for adults with vision and hearing loss.
“As needs and expenses increase, the future of Candy Day becomes even more important to the quality of services and programs we can conduct as we take on the challenge presented to Lions by Helen Keller to be ‘Knights of the Blind in the Crusade Against Blindness,’ ” South Elgin Lion Gary Hyman said.
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Look for Geneva Lions around town and at the homecoming parade and Geneva High School game. Through these donations, the Geneva Lions Club and LIF are able to serve in excess of 18,000 men, women, and children each year.
SOURCE: South Elgin Lions and Geneva Lions press releases