Set Your Clocks, Check Your (Emergency) Stocks

Set Your Clocks, Check Your (Emergency) Stocks

You probably know “spring forward, fall back” as a mnemonic memory device, but as the Nov. 2, time change approaches, we’ve got a new one for you.

Remember: “Set Your Clocks, Check Your Stocks.”

The time change on Sunday, Nov. 2, is a good moment to remind ourselves to perform the task of checking our emergency preparedness kits twice a year.

The Kane County Health Department and the Kane County Office of Emergency Management are great sources for that.

The American Public Health Association recommends that all Americans have at least a three-day supply of food and water stored in their homes, with at least one gallon of water per person per day. Your stockpile should also contain flashlights, a manual can opener, a radio, batteries and copies of important documents. When considering what else to include in your supply kit, take time to consider your family’s special needs, and don’t forget the needs of your family pet(s).

And while you’re at it, now is a good time to review your family’s plan in the event of a natural disaster, such as a tornado. Making a plan for what you and your family will do when severe weather strikes is an important step in being prepared.

Emergencies such as tornadoes, floods, storms, earthquakes or even disease outbreaks can happen unexpectedly. You may be without electricity, refrigeration, clean tap water or phone service for days or weeks. In some cases, such as during a disease outbreak, you may be asked to stay home to keep safe. That’s why having an emergency preparedness stockpile is important.

And don’t forget to check the batteries in your smoke detectors as well when you change your clocks!

Gather information about hazards in our area by visiting the Health Department’s website, the American Red Cross website, or National Weather Service weather forecast office website.Knowing and understanding this information ahead of time will help you prepare by understanding what types of disasters could occur and how best to respond and protect yourself.


SOURCE: Kane County Health Department